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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Definitions competitiveness-iv

Welcome to my definitions competitiveness-iv.
The EU is investing 263 mil. Euro in energy infrastructure
The EU Member States agreed on 15 July to the Commission proposal to invest 263 mils. Euro on key pan-European energy infrastructure projects.

Nine projects were selected following a call for proposals under the EU funding program "Connecting Europe Facility" (CEF). The selected priority projects aimed at increasing energy security, the interconnection of isolated EU Member States to the wider European network and its contribution to achieving the Energy Union's objectives for economic, safe and sustainable energy.

In this context, it will be financed the study on the gas interconnection in New Nessebar in Greece (support totaling EUR 243 250). The measurement and regulation stations will help to link the Greek gas transmission system with the cable of the Adriatic (TAP) that will transport natural gas from the Caspian Sea.

European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Mr. Miguel Arias Kania said:
 systematical energy infrastructure is essential to achieve the Energy Union. The EU support will help to address remaining gaps in energy infrastructure, paving the way for a truly connected European energy market. This is necessary to enhance the security of energy supply and efficient use of energy resources and the integration of renewable spirit between the grating. "

In the gas department, the grant will cover the construction of Balticonnector (EU support of € 187.5 million. Euro), of the first gas pipeline linking Estonia to Finland. When completed, the interface will finish the Finnish dependence on a single gas supplier by enhancing the security of supply in the Eastern Baltic Sea region.

Furthermore, fund projects to strengthen the Estonian-Latvian interconnection (EU support of EUR 18.6 million.). Strengthening interconnection Estonia-Latvia will enable better access to storage in Latvia, ensuring a more diversified gas transport network in the Baltic Sea region and will also support the work of Estonia-Finland interconnection.

In the electricity sector, the list includes the construction of a power supply 100 km long new line between Dobrudja and Burgas in Bulgaria, which will enhance the resilience of the Bulgarian power grid. European support for this new line amounts to 29.9 mils. Euro.

In addition, EU support is provided for the establishment of a preparatory study for the safe and reliable operation of the power system of the Baltic States (EU support 125 010 euro), and a study on the gas interconnection in New Nessebar in Greece ( support amounting to 243 250 euro). The measurement and regulation stations will help to link the Greek gas transmission system with the cable of the Adriatic (TAP) that will transport natural gas from the Caspian Sea.

Of the nine proposals were selected for funding:
-5 concerning the gas sector (EU support of EUR 210 million. EUR) and 4 in the electricity sector (EU support of € 53 mil. Euros).
-3 Relating to construction work (236 m. Euros) and six studies (27 m. Euros).

With a total amount available in 2016 amounting to 800 mils. Euro for grant-in-aid under the Connecting Europe-vitality, the second call for proposals of with an indicative budget of 600 million. Euro is currently underway and will be completed on 8 November.

Under the Financial instrument 'Connecting Europe', allocated the period 2014-2020 a total of EUR 5.35 billion. Euro for trans-European energy infrastructure.

To be eligible for a grant, a proposal must be for projects of general interest. Recently there are 195 European energy projects designated as' projects of common interest ". When finishing, these projects will supply important advantage in at least two Member States will enhance the security of supply and contribute to market integration and to promote competition, while reducing CO2 emissions. The list is updated every two years.

In the context of the first call for proposals for the Connecting Europe- action in 2014, they received grants 34 projects totaling 647 million.
In 2015, they received financial support of 366 million. Euro 35 projects.

Additional funding of 100 mils. Euro leader and fishing programs

Funds amounting to 45 mils. From the new NSRF for implementing the program of Integrated Territorial Investment (RUE), which provide assistance to municipalities of Crete, creating new jobs and mobility-enterprise economy, the next time will be allocated by the Region of Crete. At a special meeting today in the Region for the development program of RUE the Region of Crete Stavros Arnaoutakis informed the mayors of the island of -parousia Antiperifereiarchi Crete Theano Vrentzos Skordalaki and Nikos Kalogeri, the President of the Regional Council George Pitsouli- while the technocratic part of the program information made by the Head of the Interim Managing Authority of Crete Maria Kotaki and members of the service.

Indeed, the Region of Crete Stavros Arnaoutakis noted that total funds can exceed 100 mils. From the implementation of leader and fisheries program. While the Region of Crete emphasized the funds of RUE, that due to the competitiveness of the program any municipality does not respect the strict conditions laid down, then the funding will go to other municipalities.

"We update today mayors of Crete to tap funds through the NSRF, namely from the Program of Integrated Territorial Investment. A competitive program for which it has met all the conditions set out by the Greek institutional framework as well as in Brussels. They will not share resources in each municipality, but where there is the best proposal with the criteria specified. The amount for the Region of Crete is 45 mil., While the island will have and the leader and Fisheries programs with financing can exceed 100 mil., "Said Region of Crete Stavros Arnaoutakis and added to proper implementation of the program: "to go the whole program well and their absorptions should ensure effective cooperation, synergy, to exploit the resources of the municipalities. You must not lose a single penny if someone does not absorb the funds will go elsewhere "

. For its part, the Head of the Interim Management Authority Region Crete Maria Kasotaki statements of the RUE said: "The focus we give to existing infrastructure with little additional interventions that will give added value and create the new development at the local level. These interventions will complement those of the leader which is also funded by the Rural Development Programme.

Municipalities of Chania and Heraklion have already benefited from the programs Sustainable Urban Development, so they (RUE) regarding the other municipalities of Crete-areas with specific characteristics. It is very important to have such a strategy to mobilize the local economy, create jobs and entrepreneurship. "

Specifically, RUE, in the OP CRETE 2014-2020 implemented in areas where:

1. sited important visitor attractions with special cultural and/or identity  time value

2. recorded increased environmental protection requirements and address the impacts of climate change, the organization of space and land use.

3. there is considerable room for development of productive activities in areas that are consistent with the priorities set by the smart specialization strategy

4. there is or there would be a spatial and/or functional proximity to major infrastructure projects providing new growth prospects Within the RUE stakeholders will develop a strategy with the clear target, which will be served by concrete actions and projects. The framework of the Integrated Territorial Investment fully regulated by the Regulation of the European Regional Development Fund and an innovation for 2014-2020.

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