How to make money from home-ii - Make Money Online

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Friday, July 29, 2016

How to make money from home-ii

Welcome to my how to make money from home-ii.
1. Joint procurement.
What you need: a computer, an Internet connection, addresses relevant sites.

As you know, to buy goods in bulk is much cheaper than retail. The algorithm is as follows find a thematic forum (,,, etc.) and listing it. Attached to the wholesale firm offering popular products at the right price. Now you are looking for like-minded people - are placing ads on the forum, in which the information about the product and the methods of payment, place, and conditions of distribution and - this is important - the amount of the commission, you, as the organizer of the event, take Statement for services. You dial the desired number of people wishing to acquire the coveted thing at minimal cost (communications are usually held by e-mail), collect the money, order a product from the wholesaler, to wait for his arrival - and distributed to customers in the designated location. Cost savings due to bulk purchase - about 30-35%, and 10-15% of this amount - your rightful earnings.


People who earn a joint procurement, as a rule, focus on products relevant to them. For example, mothers often buy and distribute children's clothes or cosmetics. In the process, you learn how to accurately locate the "fish" places - with a wide range of products and low prices.


unfortunately, the ordered goods cannot be returned back. Unclaimed consumer goods have in any way, but to attach - just to pay off the costs. In addition, the choice of goods in the catalog - the one still Guess. You can inflate or may be accused of is that it is all you cheated. You can make an advance payment, and the customer will suddenly change his mind and yes. Alas, this is a business where you are constantly at risk of losing money - and well, if only his.

2. Shop Online.

What you need: a computer, an Internet connection, free software to create an online store, Google is helping.

Internet shop - it is a commercial site, where, with the help of pictures and descriptions you set for sale goods. You can offer customers its own product, and you can become an intermediary between the manufacturer and the customer. To create an online store, or register, SP OOO. Then select a hosting (a place where there is your virtual "point"), hosting tariff payment plan (simple plan will cost about 6-8 USD per month), and register the domain name. Finished designs online stores are easy to find through any search engine. By the way, you can buy, rent or pay in installments online shop "turnkey". And then to be "loose" - do your shop visit. In general, everything in life.


No need to bother with renting, pay utility bills for maintenance of premises in which is stored and sold goods.

If you still do not engage in the creation of Web sites and you do not know a web designer, unclear terms domain, hosting, and plug, will be your headache. Coming wasting time and resources on the promotion of the store, optimize and promote it on the web, advertising.

3. Own Blog.

What you need: a computer, an Internet connection, a blog that is read by more than 500 people.

How to earn money sitting at home? If you run a personal blog with high traffic, sooner or later you will be offered to place paid entries (posts). Advertising can be open (for example, text advertising and a link to the customer's site) or hidden ( "jeans" - writes blogger ordinary post "Life" and between the lines of the advertised brand mentions). Learn all the details of the matter at, before starting enriched.


Things are going, the office wrote - how were you to your blog, as well as lead. Communicate with the customer can be through the mail, icy, Skype, and the money to get, say, an e-wallet. For blogging advertising, of course, do not pay a lot, but an extra penny out of pocket expenses you will always be.


Get ready to lose the unspecified number of readers - advertising is still considered something indecent blogs. People are nervous and you write shit in the comments (do not worry). Yes, and the computer is now just will not depart:  you also need to be constantly connected, and discharge the post to not acquire out, you will automatically lose your orders and, therefore, money.

4. A set of texts

What you need: a computer, a stack of A4 paper, the printer (if you do not have your own equipment - to get around the countryside and find the most convenient and cheapest copy center).

You bring the texts - you simply typed on the computer. The work is simple, but it is very boring. Clients find the ad (bargain!). Regarding the low-speed printing worry not: a couple of months of work - and start scribbling blindly like a machine gun.


Work at home, you will not need to walk. Special skills are not required, too - patience and a little effort.


Patience and a little effort - for example, health: eye fatigue, back, and butt. Guarantee that you will certainly pay for the work, there is no cannot be.

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