Welcome to my How do people make money online? First, look around and find how to make money. For example, a friend of mine runs a shop where, among other things, sell door. The company does not set them, but buyers often ask for the installation of doors, a familiar ring to his neighbor, and it sets its doors to customers. For the cheapest door, he has not less than 1000 rubles.
I asked her: - "And you, what you have for it?". She told me, sadly: - "Nothing, he told me, even chocolate have never bought." And who is to blame? You could just say, how much she wants for each door. It takes a few pieces a day, and if in the end, a neighbor not satisfied its conditions, it is possible to find another who need extra income, because of their small town is difficult to find a job.
Secondly, to offer their services, when someone of your friends decides to sell something because it happens quite often.
Types of intermediary services are many, but I will focus on the most basic, such that do not require special training.
1. Real Estate. For information on how to earn extra income, doing real estate, described in detail here. But one option tells in this article. Crimea. Coast Rooms for rent in the private sector, the owners are looking for holidaymakers themselves and are willing to pay to those who find them, customers. Dachshund constant - the cost of one day of the stay. Any taxi driver, travel agency employee or a friend knows that will get the money if the people on his recommendation dwell in those who rent rooms for travelers.
2. The sale of household items. Sooner or later, people decide what they want to change the television, the car, a refrigerator, laptop or furniture. So what prevents us, chatting about nothing with friends, make money out of thin air by moving the conversation to what N.N. It sells cheap good television, and to ask, not whether its someone across the country needs? It's real money.
3. Sale of clothing. There are two options. The first - is to help someone of your friends in selling something that does not want or can not wear. This is a very frequent occurrence. We're losing weight or gaining weight and practically new stuff gathering dust in the closet. Once I make good money by finding the buyers for the two coats, that the daughter of my friend brought it from Moscow. There, they are already out of fashion, as we have in the province went to cheer. The second option is not very common in our country so we can turn it into a permanent business without investing without much hassle. Here is an example - my friend is famous for his ability to dress up and put on others, so I when I need to buy something from the clothes, be sure to invite her for shopping. So do her other friends. It so often happens in the shops and boutiques of the city that is familiar with many sellers and owners of retail outlets. And when she most needs something, they do it good discounts. Of course, with this, it has some extra income, but abroad as shops often pay a percentage of the amount spent in the store buyer, which led you. Why not try here, as a percentage of the sale of clothing boutiques can be a significant amount. Of course, this idea of getting money out of thin air, you can use not only in the clothing trade but also any other expensive item (this is called - shopping support).
4. Recommendations. For example, there was an excursion to the Crimea, Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace. The guide is very interesting to tell about the customs of the Crimean Tatars, and at the same time praised their food and recommended a restaurant not far from the palace. I do not know if she got something for that, we visited this restaurant, but abroad it is fairly common practice.
5. The agent for the conclusion of contracts. This form of online money earning lady has a detailed article.
6. Earnings on the Internet. Many believe that the work on the Internet, it's also the money out of thin air. In fact, it is not so simple.
Learning that someone sells something, first of all, it is necessary to discuss what you get for mediation. Frankly and clearly tell the person that they are ready to solve this problem for a certain amount. So you save yourself from problems in the transaction because people are taking it very differently. One will be glad of your assistance immediately says that he wants to get over the thing, and decide how much to throw for mediation gives you. Another wants to set himself this amount. The third does not know that he wants to get over the thing or service and how much is willing to give you. The fourth considers mediation Freestuff earnings and begin to condemn you as a speculator who makes money out of thin air. With the latter two categories is better not to be the case, the nerves more.
We communicate throughout the day with lots of people and often conduct them completely empty talk. But, determined to change their lives for the better, it is necessary to change the mindset and one of the steps is to stop the senseless discussion of weather, the life of the stars of what to cook for dinner, mutual friends, etc. Problems, Of course, celebrity gossip, neighbors, and colleagues, it is extremely interesting to do, very sinful. But, in fact, earn real money and get rich is no less interesting.
The presence of a crust of higher education, as I have found, does not solve the financial problems. By and large, people are getting in the \, Oh, to prove their abilities to someone yourself, are educated with confidence that they will have a good salary at high or more or less prestigious positions. By and large, profitable positions in the working people with connections, someone's family. It is no secret to anyone that there is flourishing nepotism. And what about those who do not have connections, etc. Who wants to have a normal job or general revenue?
No need to tell all the details - no doubt one of their secrets of getting 100 thousand will not share. Asked to know about that but as arranged in the world ... to co-navigate, understand the mechanics of the universe making money ... What you need to do, how much investment or not, what character traits and appearance you need to have if all play the higher education a major role or not, whether you want to stay out of what skills you may need to \ knowledge \ education \ communications ... is there any chance to begin to have an income under a hundred without having millions of rubles on investment? .. in general, tips. .. if I may. Thoughts inspired not with envy, but rather from the tedious work, low wages, part-time; movement, women, and children for the lack. I'd like a family, and time is running out. Previously, even once thought about all this, I thought the time would come, and like everyone else will. But nothing happens. In general, yes. This envy. Something tells you to need to have a certain character, good health, and steep ambitions ... certainly cool thought many times muddy the Drôme-2 ... joke) general advice interesting, because I see there's a lot of knowledgeable people "hanging out." At least something advise!
On Avito can find a lot of products that are sold at a lower price. You just have to buy them and sell more expensive, and the price difference is your salary! Here is an example from my life, because I'm telling you about proven methods.
One day I accidentally saw how many there are elk antlers, the average price was 5,000 rubles. Then the horns found on Avito 3000 p., Bought it and after 4-5 days I bought them for 5000 at the same Avito. I just did a better picture and description. The net profit of 2000 r. for 5 days.
The conclusion is simple - you can make money!
Sale of goods from abroad
Also, a great option, which I did and continue to do, but more formal and large-scale. Now there is the possibility to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688, etc.
There are almost all goods are cheaper. You can just buy it and sell on the same bulletin boards in your area. On eBay and Aliekspressa can order absolutely any city and any country, this kind of earnings that is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now engaged in bags from China, but this is going to happen. My friends are selling covers for phones, other familiar selling unusual gifts, and home furnishings, others sell the iPhone and other Apple technology. And all missing goods, money, and opportunities! So try it and you;) Like I said, I will not mention the fact that you can sell something unnecessary, but you can first buy the goods and then sell. This method really works, because many people do not know the real value of the goods or just sell cheap to get rid of a particular commodity.
On Avito can find a lot of products that are sold at a lower price. You just have to buy them and sell more expensive, and the price difference is your salary! Here is an example from my life, because I'm telling you about proven methods.
One day I accidentally saw how many there are elk antlers, the average price was 5,000 rubles. Then the horns found on Avito 3000 p., Bought it and after 4-5 days I bought them for 5000 at the same Avito. I just did a better picture and description. The net profit of 2000 r. for 5 days. I agree that there is little, but if you do it fully, you can sell more.
Also, I tried to buy a MacBook in Moscow Avito and sell in the city, because it is small and more expensive, but much cheaper price, and in Moscow in our advertisements city;) The conclusion is simple - you can make money!
Sale of goods from abroad
Also, a great option, which I did and continue to do, but more formal and large-scale. Now there is the possibility to buy goods from Taobao, Aliexpress, 1688, etc.
There are almost all goods are cheaper. You can just buy it and sell on the same bulletin boards in your area. On eBay and Aliekspressa can order absolutely any city and any country, this kind of earnings that is available to everyone! I tried to sell a lot of goods, but now engaged in bags from China, but this is going to happen. My friends are selling covers for phones, other familiar selling unusual gifts, and home furnishings, others sell the iPhone and other Apple technology.
We are all with you something and know how these skills can be easy to sell. If you know a foreign language, you can teach it to others. Or, for example, you are able to repair the plumbing, so why not do it for money. How to earn money? Easily! Just start to declare all of your services, make a website, place ads wherever possible and all you go up the mountain;) Although what I'm telling you ... For those who are interested in the topic, I wrote an article on how to start a business in the service sector. Read it, everything is painted in steps! I also provide services for the development of sites for setting up content and much more.
How to make money on the website or blog
This is one of my favorite activities, and for me, it is not only salary but also a favorite hobby. This website-blog where you are right now, I'm happy and I write articles for you, it really is my hobby. Also, I have been there and blogs for a living, where I earn money on advertising, affiliate programs and so on.
Blog - is an information site, where you write interesting and useful articles on topics of interest to people. If your articles are well-written, search engines show them in the search results, thus giving you the visitors. But you can also promote your own blog. When you have a blog will be a lot of readers, you can easily make money on it from advertising, affiliate programs, or posting links and paid articles. This is a working way to make money on the Internet.
If you are at work or studying, you can earn somewhere. I, too, when I was a schoolboy and student moonlighting. You can sit with their children and work in the shop for loading and unloading operations with payment at the end of the day, it is possible to perform work on your core business. Roughly speaking "Levachev", but do not steal, and Levachev, to serve any customers on their own, and not in the company, which is officially running. There are also plenty of options for earning in their spare time and all sorts courier handymen posts.
Open your online store
After I started selling goods from China, I soon opened its online store. Thus, the second paragraph of this article can be legalized and to make this a full-fledged business. The online store is quite a profitable business, quickly pays for itself, does not require large initial investments and is relatively easy to organize. Goods bought on the internet is very active, plus at the same time, you have to test the niche or what products, selling them at Avito (paragraph 2). For those who are interested in this topic, I wrote an article about how to open an online store from scratch. Selling online store can be just about anything!
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