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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Make money selling on ebay.

Well, we do not live in Istanbul, where almost all items of daily necessity go after tough negotiations about the shop counter. But our Turkish bazaar, on which a lot of money is earned on the Internet, can be found right in the living room, in the small sliding table corner or even on the park bench - just where a computer has access to the Internet.

The online auction platform eBay offers a variety of ways to make money on the go. The easiest way is to regularly adjust all the things that have been around for a long time: shoes from the previous year, selected books, no more suitable child clothing and so on. Wealth is not (yet) accumulated.

Gaining experience is the motto for this entry. But these auctions know every child anyway. So that it becomes a real worthwhile side job, must be thought larger
Used goods dealers for strangers

A simple introduction to professional action is the sale of flea market items by order of others. The merits of this trade on a commission basis are not really great, but the risk is limited. In case of doubt, the actual owner remains squat on his articles. In this phase, however, the trader will learn which items are better and which are worse, how much effort is required to sell - and on this basis can expand their sales activities loosely.

Another possibility is to make the hobby a side job! Example: The purchase of stamps or records not only serves to complement the collection. The remainder which is not needed is sold to other collectors at an additional charge. Whoever takes this step should already have some trading experience gathered and in the "hobby" really fit. Otherwise, there is the risk of getting rid of overpriced purchases only with massive losses.
Sell new items on eBay - Powerseller as a side job
Of course, eBay is also traded for new goods. The best is a market niche, in which few vendors are still buzzing. But because these are becoming increasingly rare, a market segment is also growing rapidly. This, of course, requires a good sense of the latest trends and a certain degree of risk tolerance.

The greatest financial success is the result of products where the trade margin - the difference between the purchasing and sales price - is particularly striking. This is the case, for example, with shoes and textiles. Many Powerseller buys merchandise in the Asian region and sells it here to the multiple of the shopping price.
Do not underestimate the cost of eBay sales
However, the effort for such activities must not be overlooked. Especially when dealing with second-hand goods, the goods have to be sighted, selected and removed from the supplier. In addition to this, it also requires a large vehicle. Afterwards, the articles have to be photographed and put into the net. Other tasks: answer buyer queries and, at the end, monitor incoming payments, package and dispatch the goods.

From a certain trading volume, the transactions can no longer be settled in their own home. Because not only the neighbors protest when objects are constantly transported through the stairwell. Anger with the landlord is programmed because the commercial use of his apartment does not have to be tolerated. It is now the time to offer storage space - unless a logistics service provider with storage and dispatch is added.
Important regulations for the "dear" tax

eBay sellers must register a business. This costs between 20 and 60 euros depending on the municipality. In addition, revenue and expenditure must be properly recorded and tax returns always filed in time. Otherwise, trouble with the tax office threatens. It is very probable that the profit from the sales will probably flow into the calculation of the income tax.

Anyone wishing to be exempted from the VAT requirement must use the "small business" scheme. For this, it is sufficient to tick the appropriate box in the questionnaire for tax assessment. This sheet will automatically land in your own mailbox after the commercial registration.


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