Welcome to my How to make a profit online. How to make a profit on the internet. Overview and description of the types of earnings
So you want to earn extra money on the Internet. The network has a lot of different types of work, and a place to earn money if there is a desire for everyone. In this article, we'll try to break it down, listing the most known methods of earnings on the Internet with a brief description of them. A more detailed description of each method, refer to "Types of earnings", which is dedicated to each type of your partition. Let's start with the most basic kinds of Internet works, which will be under the power of man, has only just begun to explore the infinite Internet.
So you want to earn extra money on the Internet. The network has a lot of different types of work, and a place to earn money if there is a desire for everyone. In this article, we'll try to break it down, listing the most known methods of earnings on the Internet with a brief description of them. A more detailed description of each method, refer to "Types of earnings", which is dedicated to each type of your partition. Let's start with the most basic kinds of Internet works, which will be under the power of man, has only just begun to explore the infinite Internet.
This type of online work is perhaps the most popular. The reasons lie in the popularity of fast start - a few minutes after the start you will be able to earn their first money on the internet (internet abbreviation). In addition, advertising viewing requires no special skills and is available virtually throughout. The essence of the work - you register on the site sponsor, advertiser, get every day a certain number of links and viewing them. There are several types of sponsors.
Clicks sponsors
Clicks sponsors (PTC-sponsors) provide a list of links, each of which you need to click (ie click - from the English slick -. Click) When you click a new window will open a page with advertising and begins. After 20-30 seconds, the label of The awarding of view, and you are awarded money. You close an advertising page and click the new link. That's all. The number of links per day is limited.
surfing sponsors
Surfing sponsors - almost the same as Clicks, only viewing is carried out sequentially, page by page. The process of viewing is called Surf (from the English surfing the -. Gliding over the surface, in this case - slip through the pages of sites). One type of surfing is auto surfing when the program automatically scans the advertiser's landing page, and human presence is not required. Do not hurry to rejoice and rub their hands. Prices for this type of showing the lowest and earn not only on the auto surf.
The next way to make money on the Internet - to view e-mail messages.
mail Sponsors
You receive letters that contain advertising links. Next, you guessed it, history repeats itself. All references must be open, for which he will be awarded the money.
Clicks sponsors
Clicks sponsors (PTC-sponsors) provide a list of links, each of which you need to click (ie click - from the English slick -. Click) When you click a new window will open a page with advertising and begins. After 20-30 seconds, the label of The awarding of view, and you are awarded money. You close an advertising page and click the new link. That's all. The number of links per day is limited.
surfing sponsors
Surfing sponsors - almost the same as Clicks, only viewing is carried out sequentially, page by page. The process of viewing is called Surf (from the English surfing the -. Gliding over the surface, in this case - slip through the pages of sites). One type of surfing is auto surfing when the program automatically scans the advertiser's landing page, and human presence is not required. Do not hurry to rejoice and rub their hands. Prices for this type of showing the lowest and earn not only on the auto surf.
The next way to make money on the Internet - to view e-mail messages.
mail Sponsors
You receive letters that contain advertising links. Next, you guessed it, history repeats itself. All references must be open, for which he will be awarded the money.
In the network there are countless opinions about earnings for clicks, surfing, viewing e-mail messages and other advertising options. Some say that you can earn, and even very much, others have polar views. last updated The army disaffected members of the first, the ranks of which in turn is also not thinning - the Internet as a source of income is seen more and more often.
At the time, I began to view the advertising and, frankly speaking, this and this site has been created. Subsequently, in view of the hopelessness of view advertising as a form of salary (he was just miserable) the site has been reoriented, and the sections on viewing advertising removed. The most famous place for earnings on viewing advertising - WMmail.ru and Seosprint.net and if you can not wait to try it yourself, the registration of these services did not take long. To register on the first you will definitely need a Webmoney purse.
Earnings on the input images (captcha)
CAPTCHA (CAPTCHA) - a set of numbers and letters in the form of images, which is proposed to introduce a person to prove that he is human and not a computer program. Surely you have seen it, and more than once, but did not know it was her. The essence of the work - the picture is loaded with characters you enter these characters into the input field. Work on the fan, it is very boring and monotonous.
The size displayed in a CAPTCHA earning even less than when viewing advertising. The network sometimes there are articles in which the authors carried out the screenshots with some unimaginable amounts earned on view captcha. An experienced person such figures can only cause laughter - are engaged in such activities, in most cases the inhabitants of the poorest countries in the world, which, unfortunately, nowhere to go.
A description of this type of income is given solely for information, on our website, there is no description of the services that offer it.
Earnings on the comments and reviews
For simple types of earnings concerns and work in various forums. Any resource, especially the new, required activity, and many are willing to pay for the comments, the discovery of new topics, reviews, and similar actions. Of course, in this case, the salary is low, but this work will give some experience and understanding of the network and forums in particular. Typically, such a salary is offered on the exchanges. By registering, for example, one of them - Advego - and going to the 'work-> Job Search "section, you will understand what is at stake.
Earnings at the polls (filling in questionnaires)
Another embodiment of a simple type of work. Many companies require different types of data, and Internet users can provide them. The intersection of interests occurs at the site-based questionnaire: company customers provide data for their research in the form of surveys, users are responsible for these profiles, for which he received the money. To get started you need only register on the questionnaire and have a reliable e-mail address - an invitation to the polls will come to it.
You can not call this kind of earnings especially lucrative, as surveys are not very many. Therefore, many prefer to register on multiple sites surveys, thereby increasing their income.
Earnings on sharing services
Earn as possible to download files. On the Internet, there are special sites - file archives (file sharing). After downloading the files on them, you will get a link to each of them. Then you need to place these links on various sites - forums, blogs, - where possible. People on these links will download your files, you - get the money. Not bad, right? For this lesson, you need to already have certain skills, be able to work with files - archive and upload them, and understand that users need the Internet at the moment.
With this, I conclude the review of relatively simple work and we move on to serious things.
Earn Money Online (blog)
For simplicity, I combined website and blog in one section, although it is a few different things. But now, for us, it does not matter, because the vast majority of ways to make money on them are the same, and there is no point in duplicating them. Earning online is definitely worth at a higher level than the other methods. Accordingly, the time and effort necessary to make much more require a certain level of knowledge. Let's briefly go over the most popular ways to make a profit online.
Display advertising materials
This is a common name, which unites several subspecies. Again, the first place is advertising - anywhere from no getting around it.
Earnings in the show content
On your site publishes promotional materials on the topic relevant to the theme of the page, on which are shown. Visitors click on advertisements, go to the site of its customer, you get money for each transition. On the Internet, there is services (system) content and to get started you need to register in one of them and offer your site as an advertising platform.
Earnings on teasers
Teasers - small ad units with eye-catching graphics. The principle of operation is the same as with the "context": registration when, placing a teaser on its website visitors clicks, getting money for it.
Earnings on banners
No need to explain what the banners. It is also clear that the site owners do not place them for free. Earnings on banners are one of the oldest types of earnings in the network, you will probably soon after the appearance of the first sites.
Earnings on the writing and placement of articles
This is usually referred to as earnings on the blog, although nothing prevents to do this type of work and on the website. General principle: you bought an advertising article, you write it and place on your website. During this get money. All this takes place through a special stock exchange, where you need to register and provide your blog for publication.
Earnings on affiliate (through referrals)
On the Internet, as well as in everyday life, many different services: Internet shops of various kinds, gaming sites and service sites etc. etc. Each of them is interested in the development and offers website owners the cooperation called affiliate program (affiliate). Its essence: the site owner places the service description and provides a link to it. A visitor from the following link must fulfill the agreed action. It may be different from the click to the registration and purchase of goods. For bringing visitors the site owner receives a reward - for example, a percentage of the sale of goods.
Earn money by selling links
Selling links - a separate conversation. Needless to say, that it is illegal and punishable by trade links by search engines, and links itself to promote true if not the black of SEO, then certainly a gray precisely because it is an artificial manipulation of the issuance of the search results. Which, when it comes out in the open, deal with almost everything.
Selling links, you need to understand the basics of search engines to know at least the basics at a basic level of promotion - to kill their site by selling links easy. However, many do not think about it, rivet sites one by one as they go into oblivion, to fill their crappy content and earn on the stock exchanges, the most famous of which is sape.ru.
Earnings on placing articles
Promotion articles - one of the most popular ways to raise your site in the issuance of the necessary requests, buying and posting articles on other sites. Accordingly, there is the industry of earnings at the placement of articles on its website. Some of the website owners are looking for advertisers on their own, placing proposals on the forums, while others go to the exchange. Only the place is ready to become an advertiser, and others write they're earning in addition to accommodation and more on writing articles.
Speaking of that place and the opportunity to earn an income by working on the Internet is for everyone, I mean freelancing, which involved many, often without knowing the name of the activity.
Freelance - Free (home-based) work. People involved in this are called freelancers. Freelance brings together people of different professions, and their associations, there are special websites where the profession combined in appropriate groups. Employers are spread on this site work, which goes to one of the applicants, the employer offered the best conditions for execution of the order. Simply put - the lowest price and turnaround time. On these sites, there is a place everyone - journalists, programmers, designers - all you name it. Of course, it is more difficult to do than viewing ads. You must be an expert in their field, and competition on these sites decent. The next kind of earnings - His Majesty Forex.
About Forex it is impossible not to know - intrusive advertising offers from everywhere earn by no less than 1000 bucks. For a very short time. This is quite true. The question is, who makes them - or you are dealing center in which you have made the initial deposit. What is Forex? In short, Forex - is currency trading. Currency - a commodity that can be bought and sold. Buy cheaper to sell more expensive - everything is the same as the currency exchange offices but in electronic form. It's simple, you see. Although in reality there are no more controversial comments about the Forex market. Some consider him scams, others - no. I was not engaged in this activity, but the desire was, and I took a course. Let me just say one thing - if there can be to make money, it is not as fast as advertised. In addition, for this class need to have the necessary skills and character warehouse - people gambling on Forex do nothing.
Investment activities
Speaking of profits obtained through investments necessary to operate the term "work" again. The reason is simple - by all kinds of investment funds, mutual aid funds, in most cases hidden banal pyramid, disguised commercial projects. By registering them and making its contribution (investment), you bring profit to members of the project that attracted you (read about the referral system). Needless to say that such actions earnings - this is a good question and each answer it in his own way.
This concludes our review of studies on the Internet, that can bring profit. Without a doubt, this is not an exhaustive list, but an enumeration of all is beyond the scope of this site. Anyway, right now. I hope this article has been helpful to you.
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