Value based selling principles. - Make Money Online

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Value based selling principles.

Welcome to my “Value-based selling principles”. A client is a living person, not a company - No. 1 - Sales Principles

When you sell, then sell to a specific person, not the whole of his company, your client is a specific live person, remember this always.

All people are different, and that's why, every time selling the same thing (what you usually sell every day), each time you need to find new words that will sound convincing for that particular person.

Each sale is unique and there are no two identical sales.

In order to become a successful sales manager, in addition to selling skills, one must also be able to understand psychology and understand the motives of people.

Sell yourself, then the product - №2 - Principles of sales

Buy what you sell the client can in a thousand places, it is enough to enter into the search the right phrase and Yandex will give out addresses and phone numbers of companies where you can buy the same and maybe even cheaper.

First of all, sell yourself, your expert status. Show the client that you are an expert, understand his business, understand his problems and know how to solve them.

Only after this, you can proceed to the sale of the product and not before. When you sold the client your status as an expert, then the competitors nervously smoke on the sidelines, and Yandex rests.
The client says more - №3 - Principles of sales

The more the client speaks, the more opportunities you have to make him such an offer, from which he simply can not refuse.

The client himself will tell you voluntarily why he needs to buy what you sell if you ask him the right questions and give an opportunity to answer them without interrupting.

The more you say, the more likely that you will not guess and the client will not want to buy and will go to a competitor.

To the client said more, sell through questions, ask questions and listen carefully to the answers, this is the key to a successful sale.

Always speak the language of the client's benefits - №4 - Principles of sales

Always speak the language of the customer's benefits. This means that each character of your product or service is tied to the benefit of that particular person.

If you named a characteristic of your product, then surely it should be followed by a benefit. On the sale of a specific characteristic of the goods without specific benefits of the buyer does not make sense.

The seller does not say impossible, he says how much to pay - №5

The seller does not say impossible, he says how much to pay.

Example: A large logistics company, a good cash customer, where the CEO is a young businessman, and his girlfriend is blonde as a financial director.

The CFO request for 15 pink electric forklifts (you sell only black and green, other manufacturers do not produce)

Calmly call the amount, how much to pay for the pink exclusive. If the customer is satisfied, then this is your additional arrival, if not arranged to sell the green.

principles of sales
Further calculation:
Electric forklift Mitsubishi load capacity 3t., Price - $ 30 000, standard color green
themselves electric loaders 30 000 $ x 15 pcs. = $ 450,000
repainting of electric loaders in pink color 3 000 $ х 15 pcs. = $ 45,000
extra charge for a client for a pink exclusive 20% = $ 450,000 x 20% = $ 90,000

Total: $ 540,000 plus after sales service for a new customer
Pink caps with company logo - for free

Your extra earnings of $ 45,000 and a satisfied customer
Sell painting with words in pictures - №6 - Principles of sales

Sell by drawing in the client's head pictures of the result: how cool it will be, when it buys it, what it will gain or vice versa, what unfortunate consequences can be if it does not buy.

Sell by drawing to the client pictures on an example of other clients.

To do this, you should have pre-cooked bikes: bikes - horror stories and tales - dive into a positive future.

The bike is a story/story about tritium face bright colorful images.

The bike helps the client to try on "how it will be" in a situation that is safe for him and for your sale.

You want to be right or you need a result - №7 - Principles of sales

If the client is tough on his position and he has his own opinion on this issue, then do not argue with the client, try to convince him, change it for himself, prove his case.

Agree that, the client has the right to his own opinion, and move on together towards a common goal - solving the client's problem by buying from you a product or service.

Talk to the Person Making Decisions - # 8 - Principles of Sales

To make a sale you need to understand at the beginning of the first meeting with the client - in front of you is the person who decides your project is the Decision Maker, or it's just an extras who monitors the market with the aim of squeezing the price from their suppliers.

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