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Monday, December 25, 2017


Welcome to my “Investing.” 
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Investment and financial start
As a beginner, how to learn stocks, futures, foreign exchange and fund investment?
What are the basics of getting started?
What are the introductory books on finance?
What is the recommended reading economics books recommended?
Learn how to get started quantitative transactions?
Quantified investment, what are good forums or websites at home and abroad?
US stocks should be how to get started?
Investment opportunities to find
How did you choose your favorite stock from more than 2000 stocks?

Which stocks worth holding for 10 years?
Stock buying and selling points should be how to choose and operate?
Into the financial industry, how to conduct practical industry research and industry analysis?
Industry researchers analyze a company's process is what?
What valuable information can you get from Buffett's position changes?
What is the general idea of an event-driven transaction in hedge funds?
How to find some big trends around the trivial things?
Investment risk management and control
What is stop loss?
The legend in the stock market "7 loss 2 Ping 1 earn" is true? How to avoid becoming a loser?
Is securities investment important for quantitative analysis or fundamental analysis?
How to really understand, using the moving average system?
Do the transaction for two years, has been in a loss state should continue to adhere to?
Moving average is generated by the stock price traction, why on the other hand the moving average has become a support or pressure?
Futures system trading capital management experience sharing?
From a professional perspective of institutional investors, what are the common psychological and classic mistakes ordinary investors have?
Invest in overseas markets
US stocks investment, a common source of the source of what?
US stocks can open an account for all formalities online it?
Which principles are the most important investment US stocks? Must adhere to the value investment theory?
Why invest in US stocks do not like to see Kline chart?
US stock market makers and domestic makers are one thing?
US stocks often say buy Call Call and sell Call What is the difference?
Why China's rich need overseas asset allocation, the judge right?
How do ordinary people in the United States manage money? What are the ways or means of financial management?
Investment anecdotes
Muddy water is how to do the investigation? What's unique? Why did not other media and investment agencies do?
How to use simple language to explain to financial white August 16, 2013, Ever bright Incident?
Financial professionals how to treat July 4, 2015, 21 securities firms rescue plan?
What have you seen the best study report?
What is the root cause of the debt crisis in Europe?
From the "big short" to the Chinese economy, we have any inspiration?
How do you think of Wang Shih, "Do not welcome Bao can become the largest shareholder" remarks?
The term investment has several implications in financial and economic terms. It involves the accumulation of property in the future to be rewarded. Technically, the term means "the act of putting something in some other place" (perhaps initially related to the person's clothing or "dress"). From the financial point of view, compared with the speculation, the investment period of time longer, more tends to be in a certain period of time in the future to obtain a more stable cash flow returns, is the accumulation of future earnings.
Investment (investment) refers to investors invest a certain amount of funds in the current period and expect to get a return in the future, the proceeds should be able to compensate:
(1) Investment funds are occupied time;
(2) The expected rate of inflation;
(3) Uncertainty about future earnings. (CFA definition)
Corporate investment activities clearly divided into two categories:
(1) To lay the foundation for expanding the internal reproduction, that is, to purchase and construct the cash paid for fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets;
(2) The external expansion, that is, cash paid for external equity and claims.
Chinese investment varieties
1, Real estate. Many people are investing in real estate, buy an n suite waiting for appreciation.
2, Bonds. Bonds are treasury bonds, financial bonds, corporate bonds. This is less risky than stock, but yields are also low. You can choose to compound interests. Treasury bonds are a lot of people cannot buy, good reputation, excellent interest rates, the risk is small called "Phnom Penh bonds." The risk of financial bonds is relatively high, the company's bonds have the highest risk and the highest returns.
3, The stock. This is basically all known some. China's stock market dropped from more than 6,000 in 2008 to more than 2,000 in 2011, and the economy is growing while stocks are not rising. PetroChina's so-cow-traded companies are also underperforming stocks. Buffett made a glorious exit after making $ 3.5 billion from PetroChina It's Some people say that China's stock market resembles that of Japan, and it can no longer reach the high point again. It will only wander around 3000 or so. It may be related to the mighty forces of the Chinese government. As well as the psychology of the Chinese people who are afraid of things.
4, Precious metals. This is hot in recent years. In times of financial crises, the debt crisis in Europe, too many unstable factors in the world, and the inflationary pressures in China, many people are turning to the golden and universal material with a stable value. Bank a lot of gold products, such as gold bars, paper gold, gold T + D. Many people also make overseas gold through some channels, but it is possible that they will encounter a black platform and the company with money getting rid of the platform will go to the whole pit. China's gold trading institutions recognized only the Shanghai Gold Exchange. China is hotter speculation silver, less investment, gold more of the funds required. 
5, Insurance. Insurance companies introduced a lot of financial-type insurance, the expected rate of return of about 6%.
6, The fund. Fund refers to a certain amount of money set up for some purpose. Mainly include trust and investment funds, provident funds, insurance funds, pension funds, funds of various foundations. People usually refer to the fund refers to the securities investment fund.
7, Bank short-term financial products. This can be a few days ten days a few months, the estimated annual return is about 5% of it. But this is "annualized." More suitable for short-term large surplus funds companies or individuals.
8, Trust. This is at least 1 million, but also for more wealthy people.
9, Antique coins collection. This is also a certain income, but maybe a long time, the proceeds cannot be guaranteed.
10, Private Lending. At present, there are some institutions that make non-governmental loans and the proceeds may be around 5%.
Short-term investments refer to investments that can be realized at any time and are not ready for more than one year (including one year), including stocks, bonds, and funds. [1]
Analysis method editor
Investment can be divided into physical investment, capital investment and securities investment, of which the most abundant and the most complicated is the securities investment. Securities investment analysis refers to the people through a variety of professional analysis, the impact of securities or price information of a variety of comprehensive analysis to determine the value of securities or changes in its behavior is an indispensable part of the securities investment process is an important part , There are mainly three kinds as follows: basic analysis, technical analysis, and evolutionary analysis, which are necessary tools for deepening stock market research and investment practice.
The above three kinds of analysis methods rely on the theoretical basis, the assumptions of preconditions, and the paradigm characteristics vary. In practical applications, they are interrelated and have important differences.
(1) Fundamental Analysis: Taking enterprise value as the main research object, through a detailed analysis of the macroeconomic situation that determines the intrinsic value of the enterprise and the impact of the stock price, the prospect of the development of the industry and the business conditions of the enterprise, The company's long-term investment value and safety margin, and the current stock price comparison, the formation of the corresponding investment advice. The basic analysis holds that the trajectory of stock price volatility cannot be accurately predicted, but only "buy-in and long-term hold" if there is sufficient margin of safety and sell after the safety margins disappear.
(2) Technical Analysis: Taking the stock price as the main research object and the main purpose of forecasting the trend of the stock price volatility, we start with the historical charts of the stock price changes to analyze the stock market volatility. There are three very controversial assumptions in technical analysis: the market behavior is inclusive and digested; the price fluctuates in a trend; the history will repeat itself. The more popular domestic technical analysis methods include Dow theory, wave theory, Gann theory.
(3) Evolutionary Analysis: Taking the intrinsic property of life movement fluctuating in the stock market as the main research object, from the aspects of stock market's metabolism, profitability, adaptability, plasticity, stress, variability, and rhythm Start with the dynamic tracking of market fluctuations in the direction and space for the stock trading decisions to provide opportunities and risk assessment of the sum of the method. Evolutionary analysis from the essential nature of the stock market volatility, it is considered that the various complex causal relationships or phenomena of the stock market volatility can find their logical relationship and reasonable explanation from the basic principles of life movement, and in order to build a scientific and rational game Decision-making framework to provide a convincing basis.
According to their own strength and judgment, freedom of choice. No one can be sure that the investment is successful. Investment risk, financial management needs to be cautious.
Examples include building railroads, or factories, cleaning the land, or getting you into college. Strictly speaking, the investment in the formula GDP = C + I + G + NX is also part of the gross domestic product. From the correlation of I = (Y, i), we know that investment is closely related to income and interest rates. The increase in income will promote higher investment, but higher interest rates will hinder investment because the cost of borrowing becomes more expensive. Even if an organization chooses to invest with its own funds, the interest rate represents the opportunity cost of those funds invested rather than the interest on which money is lent. 
Financial aspects
In financial terms, investing means buying securities or other financial or paper assets. Valuation is the method of estimating the worth of a potential investment. Types of investments include real estate, securities investment, gold, foreign currency, bonds, and stamps. These investments may then provide future cash flows and may increase or decrease in value. Investment in the stock market is executed by securities investors.
Stock investment
Investment in securities refers to the investment and the investment process in which investors (legal persons or natural persons) purchase equities, bonds, funds and other securities as well as derivatives of securities to obtain dividends, interest, and capital gains. It is an important form of indirect investment.
1, the principle of securities investment
① the principle of the best combination of benefits and risks:
The best combination of benefits and risks is to maximize the benefits under the premise of certain risks or minimize the risks under the premise of certain benefits.
② decentralized investment principles:
The diversification of securities, the establishment of a scientific and effective portfolio of securities;
③ rational investment principles:
Securities investment in the analysis, after careful investment.
2, securities investment account opened
To invest in securities, a securities firm with a large full-service license is required to apply for the corresponding investment and wealth management account. The investment and wealth management accounts can be applied to stocks (including A shares, B shares, H shares, etc.), bonds (including government bonds, corporate bonds, corporate bonds), futures (including financial futures such as stock index futures, foreign exchange futures, binary options such as Meetrader , Commodity futures such as metal futures, agricultural futures, etc.) and a series of financial instruments to invest in securities. The securities account opened to the securities company sales department, need to be handled within the trading day.
3, the role of securities investment
① Securities investment provides an important channel for raising funds for the society and an effective way for all kinds of enterprises to directly finance.
② Securities investment is conducive to adjusting the capital investment and improving the efficiency of capital utilization so as to guide the rational flow of resources and optimize the allocation of resources;
③ Securities investment is conducive to improving business management, improve economic efficiency and social reputation, and promote the rationalization of business behavior;
④ Securities investment provides an important means for the central bank to carry out financial macro-control and is of great significance to the sustained and efficient development of the national economy.
Investment club
Investment clubs are groups that meet frequently for the purpose of investing money and usually invest in equities and other publicly traded securities. The emergence of a diverse network of groups devoted to this type of investment has contributed to the climate of personal investment in the United States.
Invest overseas
For Chinese HNWIs, investment strategies based on stocks and real estate have become increasingly difficult to achieve good ROI in the past few years due to the volatility of the stock market and the macro-control of the housing market.
Compared with foreign markets, China's stock market, firstly, cannot achieve such an absolute return as overseas hedge fund investment because of its lack of a hedged and leveraged hedging mechanism. Second, because of the lack of regulation, the insider trading in China's stock market is a serious problem. Individual investors without any inside information are at a distinct disadvantage in the stock market trading. Thirdly, due to the irrationality of the lifting mechanism of the company, the stock market often becomes the channel for misappropriating listed companies and lacks the value of long-term investment. Finally, the lack of independent supervision of domestic financial auditing firms can easily result in the financial fraud of listed companies and further increase the risk of long-term investment in the stock market.
The rapid growth of house prices over the past few years has forced the government to step up macroeconomic regulation and control so as to curb the speculative nature of the real estate market. The era of huge profits in China's real estate investment has ended. So high net worth groups are beginning to stay away from the housing market and consider other investment channels. Overseas investment has been the choice of many high net worth investors in recent years for many reasons:
1, the pursuit of absolute return on investment;
2, the internationalization of asset allocation;
3, decentralized asset allocation;
4, the safety of assets;
5, immigrants
6, children studying abroad
7, for the purpose of leisure vacation overseas, home buyers;
8, enjoy lower interest rates overseas loans.
As a potential overseas investor, you must first answer the purpose of investing overseas.
Features editor
1, investment is another asset in exchange for the transfer of other assets;
2, investment is an enterprise holding assets outside the production and operation process;
3, investment is a form of rights as a manifestation of assets;
4, investment is a kind of financial risk assets.
5, a long investment cycle is generally 5-10 years, not long called speculation.
Role editor
1, the impact of investment on economic growth
The relationship between investment and economic growth is very close. In the economic theory circle, there is a similar view between the West and our country that the economic growth is mainly determined by the investment, which is the basic driving force of economic growth and the necessary prerequisite for economic growth. The impact of investment on economic growth can be analyzed from the input of factors and allocation of resources.
2, investment is the main factor to promote technological progress
Investment has a great impact on technological progress. On the one hand, investment is the carrier of technological progress. Any application of technological achievements must be reflected through some kind of investment activities. It is a link between technology and economy. On the other hand, technology itself is also an investment structure. Anyone The technical achievements are all products of a certain amount of human capital and resources (such as test equipment). The emergence and application of technological progress are inseparable from the investment.
Accounting treatment editor
Short-term does not account
According to the provisions of the financial accounting system, all kinds of short-term securities purchased by an enterprise, including various stocks and bonds, should be booked according to the actual cost of obtaining and accounted for according to the actual payment. However, some enterprises often do not record the short-term securities acquired by the enterprises, thus forming the non-performing assets of the enterprises, causing the accounting errors of the enterprises to occur, resulting in fraud.
For example, a business person in charge of the stock market insider information, the broader market index is about to rise in buying a manufacturing stock, ready to sell in a month later; the leadership of the financial staff is not instructed to handle accounting, to be sold after a month Stocks will be replaced with the original bank deposits, purchase and sales balances deposited "small treasuries" to evade the tax authorities inspection.
Inclusion of stock costs
Will have declared dividends, included in the stock cost. According to the rules of the financial system, when an enterprise buys stocks or bonds, it shall be treated as other receivables if the actual payment includes the dividends declared to be paid but not yet paid and the interest of the bonds that have not been expired yet.
Some enterprises, in violation of the above principle, also record the dividend that has been paid but not yet paid when they purchase the stock as a short-term investment. They debit "short-term investment-stock (bond) investment" according to the payment amount and credit the "bank deposit."
Such as a business on July 10, 1999, at 20 yuan/share to buy shares of 10,000 shares, total 200,000 yuan, another 20000 yuan handling fee, the company has announced on July 1 cash dividend of 5 yuan per share, July 20 to begin payment. Enterprises to "borrow: short-term investment - stock investment 220000, credit: bank deposits 220000" accounting treatment. July 20 received the distribution of cash dividends, made a "borrow: cash 50000, loan: investment income 50000" accounting treatment, resulting in inflated profits of 50,000 yuan.
Costs included in the current period
Some of the purchase costs included in the current costs: Some companies in the short-term investment, will be recorded as part of the cost of investment costs such as commissions, brokerage commission, included in the current expenses, reduced profits. When an enterprise buys shares or bonds, the relevant expenses such as brokerage commissions and handling fees that occur will be included in the administrative expenses or financial expenses, which will reduce the investment amount and reduce the current profits. Such as a chemical company in 1997 to buy a stock of food companies, not long-term holdings, the stock amount of 100,000 yuan, another fee of 1,000 yuan.
Business accounts processing as:
By: Short-term investment stock investment 100000 yuan,
Management fee of 1,000 yuan;
Credit: 101,000 yuan bank deposit
Resulting in multi-column cost 1000 yuan.
Retain investment income
Short-term investment accounts, retain investment income. When an enterprise purchases short-term investments in stocks, bonds, etc., it uses concealed claims to conceal it, and its purpose is usually to retain the investment income.
For example, a certain enterprise purchases the bonds of a pharmaceutical company at a par value of 15,000 yuan on bank loans on June 1, 1999, with an annual interest rate of 8% and a handling fee of 150 yuan. Business as "by Accounts receivable - Pharmaceutical Company 15150, Credit: Bank Deposit 15150" of the accounts processing.
Conceal earnings

Foreign investment enterprises, the share of proceeds (or associated profits) should be used as a vote.

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