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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Media marketing

Welcome to my “Media marketing.” 
Social media marketing/media marketing editor
Social media are websites like Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and Twitter, as well as various online blogs and forums. This is done in order to consolidate its image on the web and to establish social enterprises. The term covers a wide bandage of network communications. Now you can promote your business information, photos, and videos, news buttons, blogs, podcasts, forums, almost anything you can think of with RSS. The concept of viral marketing is closely related to online social media. With traditional search engine marketing, optimizing social media has two main points. It not only promotes websites designed to traffic through the social media network itself but also aims to raise all websites by referring to rankings.
New Media Marketing / Media Marketing Editor
In the age of web 2.0 that brought great innovation, marketing thinking has also brought about dramatic changes in experience, communication, variation, creativity, relation, the Internet Into the new media communication 2.0 era. And emerging web magazines, blogs, TAG, SNS, RSS, WIKI and other emerging media.

Media classification
 First, refers to the exchange, dissemination of information tools, carriers.
     Second, classification
The longest visual media is the print media but also spread the most rapid and the most extensive, with newspapers, magazines as the most.
 (A) Newspaper media: long-term living in the first place in the advertising media, once dropped.
  1. Distribution aspects: the issuance is generally timely. Issued at the obvious location, easy to choose. Readers broad, multi-level, adaptable. Timeliness is strong.
  2. Arrangements: advertising and news together to enhance effectiveness. Ad rewrites and cuts off easily.

 3. Content: accurate news by readers trust. No reading time limit. Government agencies use newspapers to publish announcements to enhance the status and value of advertisements.
 4. Printing: Printed fine realistic. Can save.
 (B), Magazine media: the second in the visual. Function: valid for a long time. Beautifully printed. Advertising arrangements tidy and tidy. Unlimited space. In addition, you can save.
 Other visual media: brochures, correspondence, and other print media.
 (C) Outdoor media: including sales, neon lights, car, packaging, street signs, light boxes, balloons and so on. Function: Enhance the corporate image, young and old easy to understand. Unique design novel. A wide range of places.
 Disadvantages: by the scene of the restrictions.
 B, auditory media
 (I) Broadcasting Media: To make technological breakthroughs and take a "market-oriented" approach to commercial operation, so as to broadcast timely the changes in all locations. The most prominent point is beautiful sound, reproduction of "original sound." Function: the fastest. The most widely. Equipment is simple. Low educational level, the effect is particularly good. Information with melodious music. Broadcast and listen without time and space constraints. You can also talk to the audience directly by phone live.
 (B) Tape media: Features are the detailed description of goods. Not limited by time, can be saved. Music and advertising interval broadcast, advertising has music.
 (C) Telephone media: to consumers directly appeal or provide certain services: the weather and other news, music, birds. Functionality (similar to the letter): Specific people as objects to reduce waste. Intimacy. Not limited by space, making simple. Repeated appeals to prospective consumers, and timely understanding of the reflection. The scope of the object and the number of people can grasp.
 C, audio-visual media
 (A) TV media: the most popular. Features: both shape and sound, in-depth family; highly entertaining; mandatory advertising effectiveness. The average purchasing power of high; audio and video Mao, both sensible, attractive.
 (B) Cinema media: early advertising slides, after the ad video. Function: At the same time a one-time grasp of the majority of the same audience; concentration; obsessive appeal, mandatory persuasion; easy to choose the most immediate area of the cinema; advertising costs low.
 (C) Performance media: field operation performance.
 (D) Online media
New Media Marketing / Media Marketing Editor
      In the age of web 2.0 that brought great innovation, marketing thinking has also brought about dramatic changes in experience, communication, variation, creativity, relation, the Internet Into the new media communication 2.0 era. And emerging web magazines, blogs, TAG, SNS, RSS, WIKI and other emerging media.
Cross-media marketing/media marketing editor
Cross-media integrated marketing Cross-media integrated marketing refers to the fact that while we access traditional media content resources, we establish a shared profit model with him. In fact, in the increasingly fierce media competition environment, the impact of online media on television seems far from imagined. On the contrary, under the subtle complementary relationship, the two major fields of traditional television media and Internet media are slowly moving towards backward integration The development of the road.
status quo
Cross-media marketing convergence is not a simple multimedia broadcast of traditional television programs. Fusion is not only reflected in the characteristics of the user to find the same content on a variety of platforms, more importantly, give full play to the different properties of the multimedia platform to better form a complementary structure, play a cross-media platform for the clustering effect, so that the brand to achieve communication Maximize benefits. The company is located in:
At present, the obvious advantage of the network over the television media is that it breaks through the time and capacity limitations of the broadcast and provides an interactive 24/7 open platform for the audience to have zero-distance contact with the program. The company is located in:
Through the multi-media interactive mode of multi-channel, TV and the network to achieve a win-win goal. As the organic combination and utilization of television media and network resources, it not only brings a brand new audiovisual experience space for television viewers but also provides a brand new way for the rapid development of television media and online media. The use of the multimedia network, interactive, massive information, and dissemination of features such as quick and easy to set up a scalable television program to further enrich the content resources of television and online media to achieve the advantages of mutual complement and win-win situation.

How the Digital Age Works Better with Clients / Media Marketing Editor
 More customer interactions that cover more touch points are changing customer perceptions. How to use the potential value? This article describes several steps can provide usefully...
The company is located in:
More customer interactions that cover more touch points are changing customer perceptions. How to use the potential value? This article describes several steps can provide a useful reference.
Tom French Ron Lauberchi Paul Magel / Man
Into the highly interconnected digital age, consumer and business customers are rapidly evolving. They click the button, you can check the price, buy a brand more and more critical. They are ready to express the impression after each experience and publish an online comment that embarrasses the business. These changes bring both great opportunities and significant challenges to the business. The big change is that we're all marketers: the key touchpoints between the business and the customer are becoming more and more dispersed in different parts of the business, and the interaction with the customer now takes everyone's part.
In many companies, the marketing department is the best department for carefully coordinating customer interactions across the enterprise. To this end, the marketing function must permeate every corner - it can affect the point of contact is not directly controlled by it. Many companies are now trying to deal with customer interactions in a more integrated way, but many executives do not feel it right to start where. Businesses now have a wider choice of options than ever before, and they're trying to determine where the marketing department is right for the company. In addition, executives often think that any attempt by a marketing function within an organization is "land grabbing." At the same time, they may be skeptical about the status of the marketing department in a new environment due to the lack of hard data on ROI.
While it is difficult to overcome these challenges, companies do not have to wait for a complete solution to stand alone. The five "Never Regret" initiatives described below can help executives jump out of the box from the functional perspective of customer interaction, focus on the broad range of touch points that need attention, and improve overall coordination across activities. These measures can help respond more quickly by expanding the company's view of the needs of customers and create internal communication channels to help the marketing function penetrate into every corner to create a more flexible enterprise.
Hold customer interaction forum (customer-engagement summit)
Almost all companies hold annual or semi-annual business planning meetings where executives from various business units and functional departments come together to discuss business strategies and goals. However, few companies hold similar meetings to discuss how to interact with customers, although the customer is the company's foothold. We suggest that such a summit be held with the participation of top management and the members covering all business units and functional departments. The direct involvement of the CEO of a US health insurance company set off a big discussion of the company's changes in customer behavior and the corresponding coping strategies.
The core topic of the summit is customer interaction. We do not confuse customer interactions with customer experiences: customer engagement is more than just managing the experience at the touchpoint, but also the ways and means the company encourages its customers to establish long-term relationships with the product or brand. The summit must focus on three aspects. First, the business manager and the HR manager must agree on the customer engagement vision: What kind of relationship does the company want to establish with its customers? A careful analysis of the customer's decision-making process can help you compare the degree of customer engagement with what you think should be achieved. For example, Starbucks, after surveying customer interactions in France and Italy, concluded that consumers in those countries favor traditional local café furnishings. As a result, Starbucks spent money designing unique store layouts and decors and adjusted the way beverages and services were delivered.
Second, participants at the summit should coordinate the activities needed to reach and attract customers at all touch points. After a summit of multi-channel retailers, like many other companies, they found themselves falling behind in the wake of recent industry trends: a series of touch points should have been coordinated but in reality still governed by separate silos. The Customer Interaction Summit allows executives to develop a comprehensive, coordinated plan, for example, to align the customer experience of call centers with the behavior of front-line employees or to reconcile the online registration experience with product development.
Finally, companies should agree on what aspects of the customer interaction ecosystem should be internalized and where they need external partners. Internal resources may not meet all the requirements of an environment with many touch points - for example, content and communication, data analytics and insights, product and service innovation, customer experience design and delivery, and brand, reputation, and corporate citizenship management. Top leaders decide how to proceed with these activities and rationally align themselves with internal capabilities and external partners to meet these requirements. These customer engagement planning meetings not only provide information and motivation to improve customer engagement across the enterprise but also help prevent scarce resources from being dispersed.
Set up customer interaction committee (customer-engagement council)
One of the primary outcomes of the Customer Engagement Summit is getting everyone aware of the need for a regular forum to focus the management team's attention on customer interactions. This does not necessarily mean a new marketing committee. In fact, the company's customer engagement committee may well have existed for a long time, just to use another name, such as a strategic planning committee or a branding committee. The goal is to align marketing strategies in a more timely manner, with all the major types of interactions: marketing, communications, services, sales, and product management, at all touch points.
This committee should be a responsible entity for decision-making and must translate the discussions of customer interaction summits into concrete actions at each touchpoint. In order to achieve this goal, the membership of the Commission should be sufficiently large to ensure that representatives of all major stakeholders are represented; they should be small enough to enable efficient policy-making. There are 17 individuals in a high-tech company's customer engagement committee. Once there are as many as a dozen members, it's hard to get the committee working efficiently and the decision-making is actually run by a core group that includes the heads of the CMOS and the three divisions of the company; when needed, The team coordinates the decision with the rest of the company. Committees such as CMOS, or heads of communications, strategy, sales, or service, are the most successful committees when the person in charge of the board is the same person as the person in charge of the customer interaction summit.
The second thing to consider is how often the committee should meet again. A retail bank's client interaction committee is a weekly meeting; a social service organization's customer interaction committee is a monthly meeting. The frequency of meetings generally depends on what kind of important interactive activities and their corresponding cycles the team is promoting. The third area to consider involves advice and support: The board must base its decisions on facts, so it needs information on all aspects: priority points of contact, customer behavior, and competitor actions.
Finally, such a committee should have a client engagement charter. To reduce gap risk, rework, and site battles, every member of the business needs to be clearly aware of the decision-making power at touch points and the key processes that affect them. Clearly assigning the design, creation, operation, and update rights of certain touch points to the "heads of departments" of each functional department can greatly benefit. For example, marketing departments have the authority to design and update call center scripts, while sales or operations departments have the authority to create and operate scripts. In addition, the process of chartering helps force people to discuss who is responsible and who does what. More specifically, what marketing departments do and do not do with customer engagement.
If properly designed, built and operated properly, such customer interaction boards can play a significant role in breaking down the mindset of self-governing shafts and have significantly improved the effectiveness of customer interaction. In the event of a conflict between a functional department and a business unit, such committees often assume the role of mediator and decision maker, and also act as a screening and deterrent, deciding what to report to the CEO or other senior leaders.
Appointment of "chief content officer"

About 10 years ago, when the digital revolution raged - the proliferation of media and devices, the empowerment of consumers through social networks and other channels, many quickly named "chief digital officers" to regulate these emerging contacts point. Now it is clear that the challenge is not just to understand digital channels, but also to deal with the amount, nature, and speed of content - and to do so if you want to make efficient use of digital channels. Companies need to create a supply chain to deliver increasingly complex and interactive content that meets consumer information and interaction needs, and of course, companies have a mechanism to manage what consumers generate themselves. Since the company has become a content publisher, it is bound to appoint the first.

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